mercredi 8 décembre 2010

2:31am on a wednesday

If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck. Hey

Youngbloodz was right all along. it's just so simple.

Your whole life is one large transient moment. Gradual, defined not by one significant moment, but thousands (if you're lucky millions) of little moments. But there has to be one moment where something clicks, and after that one fraction of a second, there's a change. Even though it's infinitely small, that very brief period of time exists, and regardless of how insignificant that change may be, you are not the same.
So what happens? You take an event,a starting point, then progress by establishing certain emotions, thoughts. You make connections. Relationships and memories start to simmer and mature into something significant, whether it solely to you, it doesn't matter. Regardless, you compile information both factual and interpreted to create a situation, a piece of your life. It can take days, weeks or even decades. Sometimes it develops into something great, and sometimes it degenerates.
But how is it that two seemingly identical situations can produce two totally different outcomes depending on the person affected by it? After all, people deal differently with breakups, death, loss or failure even though the situations are practically the same. Granted that no two situations are identical, is our reaction and how we deal with a darker moment of our life based uniquely on our character and on how ''strong'' or smart we are?
At what point does someone who is unhappy in a situation decide that he or she has had enough? What about the person that decides to let things run their course? There has to be an event that marks the end. A point of no return after which they are free.
And after you experience a loss, what happens between stages 6 and 7 of the grieving process? After you've made your way through the shock and denial, pain and guilt, bargaining, depression and loneliness, adjustment and reconstruction of your life, what happens before the acceptance and hope? If they are defined, there has to be an element at which point you switch from one stages to the next. Is that element identifiable? If you were able to know what it was, would you want to in order to make the process go faster? To escape the emotional turmoil?

At what point do you stop remembering how much it hurt?
And what happens if you never forget?

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